(Primeday 2022 special) Amazon Bezos succes story

3 scientific method
When you can get those three things together, man, you just confident. Conference is not only a physiology, meaning a structure, a physiological structure, it's also a biochemistry, meaning that there are certain neurochemicals, hormones and biochemicals that run around the body when you feel confident, but there's also a psychology to confidence if we look at confidence in three years. There's a psychology to confidence, meaning there's a certain thought process. Okay, there is a biology to confidence. Which means that there are certain chemicals that are running around the body, okay? And there is a physiological conference, meaning that the body is held in a very specific way, and those three things. Tying together and when you can get those three things together. Man, you're just confident, but when you don't have those three things together, you go start putting the puzzle pieces together, and the first piece of the puzzle is what am I thinking about right now, one of the thoughts that i'm training myself and conditioning myself and programming myself with. Oh, my god, i'm terrible. There's some hypothesis, or do you have to lie to yourself. Which is often what's required when you're lacking confidence and you have to convince yourself that you're good at something even when you're not, which is what I had to learn how to do in almost every area of my life because I filed every subject between year one and year 12. I got I am A D H D, I am dyslexic. I was addicted to hard drugs at the age of 17. And I was kind of a little bit of a loser in the eyes of the rest of the world. Severe anxiety, debilitating anxiety I had to literally reprogram my psychology by looking at the language I was using on a regular basis and start to rather than allow the language that was already there that was given to me by someone else to start to keep circulating in my head. I had to start writing down list of what are the things I want. You know, I am a master of persuasion. I am a master of my mind. I am a master of styles. I am a master of leadership. I am a master of my own power. I'm master of focus. I am a photographic memory of I see he's not a touch and read a record crystal, clear accuracy and the like, and I literally started to create a list of things, and I started to program my mind. But then I also learned how to stand. I learned how to stand like when you want to stand common shoulders, back, chest up, chin up that actually creates a biological response. Okay, a biochemical response, okay, and when we combine the psychology with the physiology, then the biology take care of itself, but you want to make sure that you're actually supporting your biology to do that, meaning are you saying you know. Are you eating well, have you got good hydration and you have you got good supplementation, because if you've got the right psychology and you got the right physiology, but you're overweight and unhealthy, then you're going to struggle for confidence because he's gonna hit your biology. Be fighting against you, so there are three important things, but also realizing that you. Confidence through what I call exposure therapy. Expose yourself to the things that make you feel lacking in confidence, and every time you do it, focus on your psychology, focus on your physiology and your biology will spend. And every time you start to feel the point where it's too much, then step away, go and go and go, do something else and continually do that, repeat that, repeat that, repeat that and what happens is slightly. But surely you start to learn how to develop confidence for longer periods of time to the point where you can put yourself in a very difficult situation to maintain very high levels of confidence.
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