(Primeday 2022 special) Amazon Bezos succes story

Are you ready for the 3 tips?
yes, let's start with the number one. My mentor Jordan Spencer. Your personal reality you find to your personality. That center is very deep to join the fenders offenders. Your personal reality defines your personality, okay. So what he's trying to say indirectly is the way you believe about yourself is where. And that's a diploma for one for you. What do you believe about you. The problem is the people who aspire to become great personality. They have a negative self talk about themselves. They have negative self immediate themself. They believe they are not competent enough. They believe that they are not good enough. They believe the lack of communication skills. They believe that they don't deserve big success in their life. They don't have clarity. They're not ready to visualize themself. As a person, what they want to become. They doubt themselves, okay, and the way you believe is the way. If you sell to me about you is bad inside your personal reality is your personality will be balanced, by the way. So the best way to overcome this or the best way to become a great personality, start visualizing yourself like that person, which you aspire to become. For example, you want to become that person who is wealthy, successful. What's used big things in life? What does so many things for people around him or her. Start visualizing yourself as a person and start living as a person every single day. I know it's hard, but that's what you have to do. Because your internal game defines your external thing, if you believe your average, you behave like your average. If you believe your extraordinary, you behave like extraordinary, so that's the first thing for you. Your internal game defined to external frame. So start fixing what you believe about you, start leaving that dream. Such living like that great personality right now, every single day in your life, that's the tip number one for you. If you follow this like my friend like momentum to dispenser. Says your internal game or I would say this again, your personal reality defines your personality. So follow this pip, and then you will see an amazing results in terms of becoming a great personality. So now let's discuss the tip number two, ok, the tip number 2 is the way you carry yourself. Okay, so what do we mean by this now in tip number one, we discussed about what kind of self image you have about yourself, and you fix that self image. And then you behave like you are the successful person which you want to be right now, how you carry yourself. To know how do you dress? Would you dress like that successful personality. That's one thing. I don't mean. I don't want to say you that you know, buy new clothes or weird blizzards every day where you go out now. I'm not saying that what i'm saying is, how do you dress professionally, you know you meet Thompson. That's one thing. Second thing is, how do you behave when you meet someone. For example, you're meeting stranger. What kind of body language do you have, do you act like an introvert? Do you act like you're Shy, you act like you doubt yourself like a timid person, or do you meet him with an open hands for the good gifts with the property can with proper I connection with good voice modulation tribe and fumbling for good, right to the way you got yourself. As a personality that's important, your body language, your voice, your eyes. Where you dress. So successful personalities of great people, they have amazing way of carrying themselves. They're carrying themselves like those superiors like these people who are railing the boy, ok. So that's what I want you to do as well. If you really want to become an amazing person to start carrying yourself like one press will speak with confidence with good body language, good I connection. Good watch modulation, good handshake. Goods, my good gestures when you meet anyone, so if you follow this second debt. You will become close towards achieving that goal of being a great personality. Hope you follow this, and let's go give number 3. And the deep free for you is how do you make others feel. For example, now you're meeting a stranger or you're meeting a group of people, right. After you talk to them for five minutes or just for two minutes. Do you put a smile on the face. How do you make them feel better about themselves. That might be. Because an amazing personalities, one who puts jam who puts mice on beetle faces whenever he meets them, he or she makes them. So it's all about how you make other person feel. Do you make them feel. Wow, after talking to you. How do you make them feel bad about themselves after talking to them. So how do you talk to them. Do you appreciate. Okay, do you make them feel good about themselves. That's important, so great personality of the people who. Speaks good about people. They appreciate them. They find something in common. And they connect with them the jail with them so well that after talking to them, they feel that this guy is special. Minimum point, they have the part of success around them. The post in mindset around them, and it's confused, by the way, and when they talk to anyone, they leave that possibility on their personal space. So that's the third for you whenever you speak to anyone. Appreciate them, find something in common. Okay, have a smile on your face, not good about those people, but find something possible to talk about, don't discuss something which is not so great to discuss about getting a point. So that's the third degree, so my friend, if you follow the three that share with you, okay, i'm sure i'm definitely confident that you can be that amazing personality, which you always wanted to become. Yeah, so i'm sure you're going to follow the three tips.
Please share with your friends as well. Sorry here, and let me remind you once again, okay, great people of great personalities. They're not born. They have become. That mean, so you can make yourself as a great personality as well. I am sure you will be an amazing personality just for the three steps, so we have.
I love you all.
Thank you so much. See you soon
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